Thursday, March 1, 2012

1st Anniversary

~~Alhamdulillah now on 1st March 2012 between Afif and me
we have been together for 1 year = 12 month =D ~~

:: To remember and celebrate this historic day I design a gift for my loved ones.
It is a simple handmade by me okeee .
I used waste items and shaped it with my own cretivity .

*used 4 to 5 ice cream sticks
*coloured paper
*colourful pen (vivid,smooth pen)

Inilah Hasilnyaa!!! =D
Cantik kan?? (puji sendiri..hihihi)

Its oke kalau tak cantek punnn becoz my afif tetap suka dan hargainya.
**That is Important ! :))

~I hope me and him always together and be together till end.Insya'ALLAH.~
Pray for us .

Terima kasih sudi baca. Jangan lupa tekan "comment" dan "follow" ye?

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